Friday, March 31, 2006


woooo! i got a job! i will be helping answer phones and show condos at an office i can actually walk to! and they pay well. it's actually a job with a woman i met last night. she knows it is temporary, but they need someone now and there is also weekend work, so i can bank some cash and perhaps buy a hybrid sooner than later! and organic kitty food, and new shoes, and a vacation for me and my lady!

i am getting ahead of myself. but still, knowing there is money in my future makes me very happy indeed.

the woman who hired me also alerted me to how stupid i am. "lori, i do want to let you know that your phone number is incorrect on your resume."


my heart stopped. "maybe it's not that you are unmarketable, it's that people can't get in touch with you."

my face turned crimson.

she still hired me though. i start sunday, training for 2 hours. yipppeeee!


JM said...

Well that's some good news. Congrats.

Big "D'oh from the bro'" for effing up your phone number, though. Damn, woman!

JM said...

Globe article on career hopping and how it's not necessarily a bad thing. Interesting.