Thursday, March 23, 2006

waiting for a package

my baby sister sent me a package yesterday, and it's due to arrive between 9am and noon. it's 11.38am and still not here. i am waiting for it to arrive before i shower and my *nerves* are being *worked*. WTF? where is it?!?! i have an interview at 2pm and girl needs time to get ready! everything is ironed and ready to be put onto my clean body. T-21 minutes now. then i'm going in.

that girl is crazy anyhow, spending $22 to send an overnight package to me! love her.

for those of you unable to watch martha and ellen everyday, let me fill you in. martha's cooking school is becoming very meat focused - today was meatballs, meatloaf, and meatball lasagna. how to make the perfect meatball. ick. and ellen had musical guest natasha bettingfield or benningfield or whatever her name is, and girl sounds like a smoker. like tom waits. how is it that she's famous? oh, and for the last verse of her song, she brought in a choir to back her up. hrm.

and that's it. wish me luck!


olecranon process said...

i bet you kicked ass!! update update!

JM said...

So what was in the box that Young J overnighted to you? She was bouncing around my apartment last week begging me to tape Sopranos (I don't watch it). Couldn't get VCR in my room working, though.

Was it Soprano-related?