Tuesday, March 21, 2006

grated skin

i had a little chunk of parmesan leftover from.. hmmm. i can't remember. oh! from when i made C that pasta dish last sunday. last night, i made my potato kale soup and i was looking forward to the leftovers, but i was craving cheese. on the food network webiste, i found a super easy recipe for parmesan crisps - just grate parmesan cheese, put it in small piles (about one tablespoon each) on a cooking sheet with a silpat (this is necessary!) and press down lightly on the cheese piles. pop it in the oven (preheated to 400 degrees) for about 5 minutes, until lightly browned. let them cool and they are like parmesan potato chips. salty and yummy and perfect.

except mine had a little problem. i grated my hand.

ooooooowwwwwwwwwwccchhiieee! frickin' hurts! i had to search for my piece of skin in the pile of cheese. *vomit* nah, just kidding, the skin remained on my hand, hanging by a thread of, um, skin.

1 comment:

olecranon process said...

so like, if you eat your own flesh, are you like, no longer officially vegetarian? =DDD