Friday, March 31, 2006

getting hit on by an 18 year old

well, folks, i still have it. hells yeah. even kids in high school want me. what an interesting night indeed. you may be wondering how a chick still in high school and i ended up at a place where she could try to ask me out? melissa ferrick's concert last night. ahhhhh. melissa. she's so hot and so good and so full of herself, i can't help myself from liking her.

i went to the show with a friend i've made here who is in her 40s. her friend has a daugher who is also gay, and daughter brought her GF (they are 15... so young! so cute!) and they made friends with the 18 year old. and so we all ended up at the same table for the concert. i was literally in between the ages - 44 the high, 15 the low. and then there's me. the high schoolers thought i was 23. ah. not anymore, thank god. the daughter asked me "what do you think about 18 year olds?" wink wink. i don't.

DC is proving to be interesting, but i'm not quite convinced yet. i haven't found my niche. not yet.

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