Sunday, March 26, 2006

showering is tedious

it's sunday morning, and i was awakened by the disco ring on my phone. second day in a row my family woke me up! i suppose it would do me good to go to bed earlier and get up before 10am. someday i will have a job, and i'm hoping it's not 2nd shift.

i got up, watched CBS sunday morning - the geriatric show that i love - and made eggs and toast. and then i took a shower. but why? it doesn't even matter. i have nothing to do, no one to see, and yet i keep to this american routine of morning showers. i dry my hair, put on makeup, throw on clothes, and sit around the house. a therapist once told me that if i start to change my routine, stop showering or getting ready or caring about what i look like, then that is a sign of depression.

what if i just don't want to waste my resources, my expensive products, and my energy on looking good for the kitties?


Anonymous said...

I have The Solution.

Begin to post daily pictures of yourself on your blog so that _I_, Jennifer Ordorica Lizcano, will see them. The fact that other human beings will see how you are put together each and every day should be enough impetus for you to continue on your routine.


JM said...

Always a positive self-affirmation to run water over your body once a day. Like a rebaptism of sorts. However, wash your hair every other day unless it's greazy by nature.

Gotta get out of the house, too. Go see how the Cheney's are doing, find a cafe, go for a jog.