Monday, March 13, 2006

mornings with martha

i am becoming a baker. i think i should have a total career change to chef or baker. it won't work because i won't touch meat, and because i don't have any money to open a bakery that features a few savory options. wish i could meet a rich person who wants to fund someone with zero experience to open a groovy cafe with FREE wifi and good tunes. i'd call it Sassy. oh dreams.

this month, martha has cooking school - every day she is giving good, solid tips on cooking. thus far, she hasn't taught me anything. but i look forward to learning a new trick. i love being in the kitchen, surrounded by the mess i make while i create food. i love cleaning up, i love serving food, i love making simple dishes and complex dishes and feeding people. too bad i've figured this out post-masters degree. don't need my MPH to bake. shiiiiiiit. wish i went to business school.

another monday. another week to job hunt and hear my phone ring only when my lady calls me.

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