Sunday, April 02, 2006

My Favorite Day of the Year

How I love Daylight Savings Time! It's close to 7pm, but the sun still shines! What joy! What happiness! I don't care why we have it, I just hope no one tries to get rid of it. My mother hates it. How can you dislike something that gives us sun long into the evening?

I think I would have liked today even better if it didn't start off with so few hours of sleep. Thanks to my lady, I made it to my *new* job today on time. I was out at the clubs (or, as my older friend says, "the dance") and I was shocked to see the clock closing in on one in the morning when I checked the time. By the time I got home and washed up for bed, it was closer to two. I called my girl and we chatted for a little while, and suddenly she reminded me to set my clock ahead an hour.... SHIT! That made it almost 3am when I went to bed, and I had to be at work at 10.30am.

At least it is a simple receptionist job that requires me to look pretty and make coffee. I can do that. Even hungover on 6 hours of sleep, I can do that. It's a good thing I got my MPH. I should get my MBA or my MD.. then maybe I can be an Executive Assistant.


olecranon process said...

lori lori ori ori has a joooooob three cheers!

and I am quitting mine today. le sigh!

JM said...

My favorite time of year, too. Longer days. Sunlight at 8pm. Grilling on the back porch with a gin and tonic. All good. All good.