Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Out of coffee *grumble*

Do you have any idea how frickin' hard it is to type when a kitten (Emmet) is all up in your lap? The laptop becomes a pain in the ass. Could go use my lady's computer, but the desk that we got from Moy came with The World's Squeakiest Chair, and though I am quite thankful that she stole it from her BF's daughter for us poor lil' refugees, damn it's loud and disruptive.

Sister is coming Thursday. Gotta prepare for that. She wants us to take her on the Laci Peterson tour. Wants to see their house, see where Laci's body washed up to shore, see where that wife killing battering asshole kept his boat. The only good thing about her obsession is that it makes her read books. Girl has 4 books about this issue. She never was a reader, but apparently all it takes is a good story to get her hooked.

As if there aren't libraries full of good stories! Make it real, make it evil, and she'll read it. Just like with the Nanny Diaries. She ate that one up.

I had a shiiiiiity night of sleep last night. Kittens think it's fun to run laps around the house, starting at midnight. I was home all afternoon and all they did was sleep. Left for class at 3, and when I returned at 7.30, they were in the same position. I won't scold Lady for waking them up anymore. Harass away, just like Lucas harassed me this morning by brushing my hair with his paw.

And I could only make one tablespoon's worth of coffee. Damnit! I hate when I run out of my morning juice. And since I'm the one with a car, I'm the one who has to buy all of the groceries, and I know I sound like a baby and I should be a hell of a lot less whiny, but it sucks playing mama bear to this apartment. I buy the food, I fill up our 5 gallon water bottle, I take the donations that don't fit to Goodwill, I sweep & mop, I clean the bathroom, I cordless sweep, I tidy up the living room, I do the dishes, etc etc etc. I'm not the mommy (except to the kittens). It fucking sucks being the only one who cleans. EVER.

In case you are wondering, we have one of those diner vacuums, like at Denny's. That's what I cordless sweep with. Let me testify to you that it actually works. The best $16 gift Lady ever gave me. Of course, it facilitates my cleaning lady role. I should start charging by the hour.


olecranon process said...

Hahah...you're the sucker er I mean Mom of the House! I've found that the good ol "chore wheel" works most of the time.

JM said...

The chore wheel is an urban myth

KMP said...

Oh you say you have a pussy in your lap...kinky