Wednesday, November 02, 2005


i just got a request from the usps to please update my address with them. it reads: "we want to get your mail to you!"

but they have my new address. they sent me this piece of mail to me at my new address. i don't understand - THEY can mail me at my new address, but they can't DELIVER mail here? eh? so confusing.

we have a really cute mail-lady. when we do get mail, which happens every so often, and it's in the form of a package, she knocks very loudly and usually wakes me up. i don't mind, though, because she's cute.

cuteness gets you far in this world. you have to be cute but not too cute, because people perceive excessively cute people to live a charmed life just because they are so damn cute, and that makes the average, un-cute person jealous.

1 comment:

olecranon process said...

Yeah, cute can get you on America's Next Top Model, but apparently not into Tyra the Tyrant's good graces.

Cute can also get you out of traffic tickets, but not parking tickets in Berkeley.

Cute can get you attention, but too cute can get you the wrong kind of attention, and difficulty being taken seriously.

I refer you to Dot Warner's "The Cute Song" from Animaniacs. =P