Saturday, November 19, 2005

mountain biking is harder than i thought

damn, we went out for a pathetic 30 minute ride and i was winded! i don't actually know where we went, but it was up in some oakland hills, and it was gorgeous. the weather remains mysteriously the same day to day, and me thinks i will be in for quite a shock when i return back home to the northeast for xmas.

it's been a long time since i last updated this puppy. let me see.. what exciting things have happened...

took the kitties to J and L's house for a playdate with their kitty Shinji. he wasn't too keen on the visit, but the boys made themselves right at home, and they also ate Shinji's dinner. all of it. apparently, kittens shouldn't eat special hairball-reducing cat food. it gives them the shits. em and luc were kind enough to hold it until we got home. they went immediately for their leftover dinner sitting in the bowls, and then they both went straight to the shitter and moved some nasty looking and smelling bowels. poor em was crying, he went back for round 2 and leaked something gross.

isn't it lovely, how poetic i am about my kittens' shit? dontcha love reading about it?

what else... i love spending time with J and L. i love their loft. their cat is just ok though. not too friendly.

cal dining gave us free meal plans for the semester, and part of that deal is buying food online in bulk, like study snacks and what not. i spent $131 on diet coke, granola bars, ritz crackers w/cheese, twix bars, cereal... it's all pretty terrible for the old waistline. but i still have $900 to spend before the semester ends!! damn!

i miss my sister. last week, she was here. now she is not. waaahhh!

off to shower. my lady is getting a haircut at the new bumble and bumble salon that opened a block away. because we do everything togther, my appt is right after her's, and unlike her, i thought i'd do the hairdresser the courtesy of showering before i sit in front of her for an hour or so. no one wants to smell me. plus, with this aluminum-free deodorant, i stink! what's worse - living a long, memory-filled life with stinky armpits, or smelling good today and forgetting it all when i'm 90?


olecranon process said...

Where is this data. Show me the data!
I don't believe this anti-aluminum shtuff. At least not until I see the data.

Sorry we made your kitties sickies... =(

JM said...

Ya should peh-spayah naturally as Gawd intended, not clog up yo sweat po-ahs wit dat lumm'num!