Monday, November 07, 2005

Kitty Update (yup, I'm that kind of mom)

The other day, I was holding Lucas on my lap as he purred away. Suddenly, I felt something wet on my arm. Gross! Did my cat just have anal leakage on me? And if so, what IS it with animals feeling comfortable enough on me to go to the bathroom - first Clementine and the UTI (during our post-Katrina cross-country trip of fun), now Lucas dropping a duece? What did he get into, a bag of Olestra chips?

To my complete horror, it was not poo. I think poo would have been preferred to what I found on my arm. It was a white thing, as big as a piece of uncooked rice, with no eyes or head, crawling on my arm. It was moving as though it did have a head, and it was searching around for something with this non-head. TAPEWORM! I froke out. I ran to the bathroom, flushed it down the toilet, then grabbed my keys and sprinted to the animal hospital a few blocks from our house.

The lady at the front desk calmed my fears when she officially diagnosed the tapeworm. I had to put a pill down little Lucas' throat to kill it. Poor baby. But now he's eating well (as opposed to eating constantly) and things are looking up. Well, except for the cold the kittens have. They sneeze often, and I wish I could teach them how to cover their noses when they sneeze. Kitty snot really does exist. Oh and they cough, like 2 old men. It sounds terrible, especially when it's in the middle of the night on my face. It's like they want me to know they are coughing, so they get as close as possible to me and then hack away.

My lady thought she could blow their noses. Emmett thought the tissue was a toy and tried to bite/eat it. Oh kitties, gotta love them!

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