Monday, November 21, 2005

can't... move.. body

crapola! dodgeball certainly DID kick my arse! i can't frickin' move! ouchie! i have aged, dear readers. it hurts to cough, to sit in class, to get up out of my seat after class; really, to do anything. i am in dire need of a hot tub today.

i have to bring food to class tomorrow - we all take turns bringing snacks each week. oh i am so lucky, this week is special - there is a class of high school students coming into our class tomorrow. instead of feeding 16 people, i get to feed 30! how lucky.

i bought (and by bought, i mean used my meal plan points that the school gave me for free) chips, salsa, apple juice, diet coke, and twix bars for a snack. another student is bringing food too. my teacher emailed me back, asking that i don't bring the twix bars, because these kids have been doing work around nutrition and she doesn't want to send any mixed messages. the next thing she says is that she is going to bring pizza.


WTF. no, you can't bring the twix bars you ALREADY got because i want the snacks to be healthy, but i can bring frickin' pizza? hypocrite! soooooooo aggravating. be consistent. pizza, a healthy option? what an idiot.

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