Wednesday, February 01, 2006

on the interview

it went well. i think. let's just say i was there for THREE hours! yikes! actually, they were really nice, v. respectful of my time ("is your flight this afternoon? could you stay a little bit longer?") and i met with the president of the agency. and when he brought me back to lady who will *hopefully* hire me, he gave her a thumbs up and said "she's great!" or something, i had my back turned and couldn't really hear him, but when i turned back around he winked and she said "I know!" SO, who knows, well, they know. regardless, it will be at least 2 weeks before i know because of other interviews they are doing. and they might find someone way more fantastic than yours truly.

which is quite possible, i know. job hunting is exhausting. and so is apartment hunting. urg. katia was kind enough to drive me around the neighborhoods of NW DC, and i know exactly where i want to live now! just have to find a place that takes kitties and costs less than $1500/month and perhaps has a washer and dryer in the apt with all utilities paid. riiiiiight. a girl can dream.

it was a mixed reunion with the kitties after my week away. lucas snubbed me and emmett regarded me with disregard at first. about 1/2 hour later, lucas followed me into the back room and ran around in little circles, like he was saying "i can't believe you are really back!" it was too dang cute! the 2 of them fought for the top sleeping spot, which, unfortunately, is in my left armpit. neither of them want the right armpit. do our scents differ between armpits? emmett won, which left lucas down by my hip and his chin resting on my tummy.

sister says i have to do away with "the family bed." i reckon she's right... but i'm not ready yet. not until my lady is back for good.

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