Tuesday, January 31, 2006

DC in the springtime

oh my, it has been sooo nice here! the weather was gorgeous yesterday. today, rain. but is ok. i can handle it. KP has been a lovely hostess, so wonderful that she left an umbrella for me! aw. i brought one with me just in case of rain, which was smart thinking. however, unsmartly i left my jacket in my luggage which i put in her car. damn damn. is colder out today than it was yesterday. but with all my nerdy nervousness for this interview, better to be a little cold than hot and stinky. by the way, i purchased real deodorant. that groovy non-aluminum stuff just ain't cutting it. i offend myself, which likely means i offend everyone within smelling distance. eeewwwwwww. stink girl. anyhow, when i have alzheimer's, remind me that at least i smelled good during the good old days. small price to pay. why can't we figure out how to keep our pits fresh WITHOUT killing our memory cells?

quick update re: new orleans. that city is in NO SHAPE to be populated. gross. if i had a little more energy, i'd figure out how to post pictures on this blog. for real, i think the people who moved back have just lowered their standards of living. the city smells, the water from the tap tastes and smells like pool water, and there are so few stores of necessity open, esp. downtown where the school of public health resides. i paid $3.80 for a HALF GALLON of milk! i told the clerk that it was criminal to charge that much. she just smiled. F that.

was good to see my lady, tho. very hard to leave her too. we have to be apart for these few months so she can finish her degree, i know that, but it makes me sad to leave her in that nasty city with no car. :(

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