Wednesday, February 08, 2006

flying to DC (again)

another job interview. what is one to do? busy busy busy. this position was posted in early december, and i applied for it with my oakland address. damn. it's with the gov't, which is notoriously slow in filling positions. my interview is monday morning. this is exactly why i need to find an apartment. all this flying around is a pain in the ass!

now, to think positively, what if i am offered the other position while i am interviewing for this one? i don't expect the first place to call me until early next week, if they call me at all. but let's say they call me. how do i decide to take the first job when i am interviewing for the 2nd? how long can i hold out on them?

i didn't expect this to happen. then again, nothing has happened yet. maybe all this worry is for naught. ugh. i need a tums.

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