Monday, February 20, 2006

kitty and doggie sitting

my friend M asked me to watch the animals while she trollops around NYC. recently she was published in a book and there is a party on thursday night in honor/celebration of the release. this is the same friend who i was going to hit cancun with, but too many charges for changing tickets ($550) left me out of the trip, and then a misspelled name on one of the kid's tickets plus a hurricane-induced change of hotel and all sorts of other annoyances has led to me to watching the garanimals while she sips martinis among other writers.

she never locks her house, or her car. but she locks her wireless internet with a password. people are strange.

anyhow, now that i am officially alone, i am sort of... lonely. i miss my baby kitties. these 3 go in and out as they please, which stresses me, because i am completely overbearing and cannot rest knowing that penny (rex), drooly mouth, and the other cat are out in the cold! crap, just let penny out and heard barking - owner called princess back - damn i am a worrisome girl. what if P&P got into a fight? where is the local vet? ARGH!!!!!

bonus - M has on demand and showtime. off to watch the L word over and over and over again...

1 comment:

olecranon process said...

The L Word, huh.

*barely stifles projectile vomit*