Monday, February 13, 2006

take a ride on my rollercoaster

i am supposed to be finishing up an interview, shaking hands and hearing "we'll be in contact soon." but alas, i am not. instead, i am blogging. i am sitting in a freezing cold kitchen, with feet of snow just outside the front door. i had to cancel the interview today through no fault of my own (thank you mother nature, and thank you useless brain for rescheduling my original wednesday interview to monday morning). i called them at 9am sharp and the 2 people i had to speak with weren't even in yet, though voicemail reported "office hours are from 8.30 to 4.30." when the coordinator called me back, she informed me that the wednesday appointments were all taken and that we could do a phone interview instead. with a panel?!? oh dear. i will have to step up for this one. i know i can give a good first impression in person, but over the phone? i sound like a 12 year old with braces and pimples. plus, i awoke a little conjested this morning. remember lily thomlin's character on SNL, the girl in the rocking chair? that's me.

however, in good news, we have pretty much secured an apartment in georgetown. all the man needs is our money. i have to run to the post office today, but i cannot do that until i hear back about this phone interview! everything hangs in a precarious balance right now. i can't even go to the bathroom without fear of the whole panel hearing me flush.

up and down and up again. it doesn't help that i have NO PRIVACY in this house. i know i shouldn't complain, it's so very adolescent of me to bitch about my parents, but good grief they work my nerves. once this interview phones me back, i am taking a shower and getting out of here. oh, crap, the stupid town plow just created a nice wall of snow around my car. GGGRRROOOOOOWWWWWLLLLL!!!!!

1 comment:

KMP said...

NO THANKS! I got problems of my own. Plus I am probably too short to ride anyway:) Keep your head up girl. Just remember, you can always find work as a crack dealer.