Friday, January 13, 2006

getting back on track

went for a run yesterday, and oh my goodness, it's been far too long since i've hit the pavement. this morning, my body ACHES. doesn't help that i went to bed far too late last night (2.30am) after drinking some ever delicious high life. ick. why do i do this to myself? beer is no good for body, especially beer that tastes like shit.

bought a new battery for the 'puder too. $135. yikes. me need job soon. at least i'm not as broke as my sister, who sold me a full coffee card so i could get a "free" drink. gave her $4. girl needs cash, and i ordered a $4 coffee drink, so it's all good.

tonight i have dinner plans with sara b. she has been here working as a consultant for the past 2 weeks. they put her up in a swanky swank hotel, the nine-zero hotel, which is located at 90 tremont st. it's so trendy, it puts my stay in the red roof inn to shame. i actually liked the red roof inn! but it's crap compared to the nine-zero.

last night was fun, A is ever the same and told me all sorts of entertaining stories. i missed our friendship. ooh - gotta cut this short. my *favorite* spanish chick is online!

1 comment:

olecranon process said...

135$ for a battry!?!? heinous!

keep plugging away! you will find that job. it is out there, just waiting for you.