Wednesday, January 18, 2006

my life as a retiree

this is getting out of control. doesn't help that my mom crashed her car and has yet to find replacement. we spend our days together, and i cannot go out without her thanks to the guilt of leaving her home alone. my dad works out at the Y and then drives the school bus in the afternoons - he does special trips, like basketball games and the like. so he has his car, and my sister is never home, so i am the responsible sibling who takes mom out. we go to the library, to panera for soup, and to ikea for dessert. i have walked around this ikea more than i ever walked around the french quarter. it's sad. me, my mom, and the blue haired ladies sipping on swedish coffee for 75c a cup. free refills, though. what a bahgin.


writing cover letters and sending resumes is hard work. my eyes burn from the computer. plus, whenever i am online, i find someone to chat with. the students i met in taiwan have discovered my MSN username. oh, they are so very sweet! when one of them told me "may be date line not coming too soon" i had to bring myself back to the lessons i learned while traveling in asia - translation games. what he was saying was his homework wasn't due yet. aw, my taiwanese friends!

the cats are out of control today. we are having stormy weather, so stormy that we lost electricity for 3 hours! the cats were running laps around the house. lucas has picked up a nasty habit of kicking all of the litter out of the box, onto the bathroom floor. emmett is apparently trans-species, as he has started lifting his leg up to pee like a dog. libby, my mom's psycho-soon-to-be-fixed-so-she-stops-howling cat has mastered the art of standing IN the litterbox to poo, but aiming her crap OUT onto the floor. it's a three cat circus here.

so, there you have it. i got to the store, i watch the cats, i surf the 'net. i am losing brainpower. i am withering into a stay at home mom with no children to watch. save me, somebody. save me job! wherever you are; DC, hotlanta, LA, just be sure to save a position for me.. and make the salary 20% higher than my last job, please. ;)


olecranon process said...

kitty poo is gross. especially when it lands outside of the box!

shinji has taken to hissing at me. he must know i am annoyed with him. oh well.

ikea is so wonderful to eat at. have you tried their swedish meatballs? good to knkow something palatable came out of sweden. those fish pastes they sell frighten me.

lorioriori said...

has it been so long that you forgot i am a veghead? oh well, is ok, i forgive you!

my lady loveses them, though.

KMP said...

You think 3 cats is bad! Count your blessings you are not home with 3 children...uuuuck. Think of it as birth control.

olecranon process said...

oh sheezat. thats right. you are not of the tendon and sinew consumers. whoopsies! guess it has been long!