Thursday, June 29, 2006

blast from the past

last night at a work event (in real estate, for those of you who still hold me in high esteem and think i took the not for profit job, sorry to disappoint but i changed my mind!) i was approached by a couple saying "are you from boston?"

they used to be friends with an ex of mine and now they live here in DC. weird. they are from so long ago, a world ago, and i am such a different person now. strange how running into an old acquaintance can do bring me right back to the past. right back to dancing at the upstairs lounge to cool 80s tunes. right back to crazy fun and then crazy crazy times when my life was turning upside down as i watched.

it all makes me miss boston terribly. i don't miss those times, i just miss knowing where to go and how to get around and, strangely enough, i miss my old apartment on commonwealth avenue with a fierceness that surprises me.


JM said...

BTW it's "rabble rouser"

olecranon process said...

you will know where to go. you will have fun. you will learn to love your new house with a fierceness that surprises you.

i was wondering which job you took...

JM said...

I think career happiness is a ratio of bullshit to salary. A 1:1 bullshit/salary ratio is managaable, but once that starts creeping up to a 2:1 ratio, it's time to pull the ripcord, dig? All I know from real estate is Glengarry Glen Ross which, if you haven't seen it, is a must rent. Do it. Now.

Anonymous said...

hey sweetie, i completely agree with you. i miss boston like something fierce too. it's crazy. and dare i say i remember those crazy crazy times of yours where you were watching your life be turned upside down. you were in the fetal position i think. let's go there together, soon. (not to the fetal position, but to 02446 and 02135) xoxo