Monday, June 12, 2006

decision made. argh.

i took the public health job. of course i did, i have to try it at least. i have to give it my best shot. but i am feeling unsure and questioning everything - my reasons, my motive, what i am giving up and what i am getting into...

plus my car is acting like a piece of shit, as it does whenever it rains, which means trouble could be brewing for our finances if/when we need a new car. at least we can buy a hybrid though. i am hoping that greta the jetta lasts us at least one more year. but at 95k+ miles and a rocky history of issues, i am a wee bit concerned.

my start date is in two short weeks. i have two weeks to adjust to waking up so that i can be at work at 9am, as opposed to waking up at 9am. no more one mile commute. oh well.

1 comment:

KMP said...

You go girl! I am proud of you no matter what!