Sunday, June 18, 2006

creative litter box

i can't tell if one of the kitties is a genius or is a complete and utter fool. the other day, J changed the litter box but left the old litter in the bathroom trash can. she tied up the bag but since it was rather late, she decided to wait until the morning to bring the trash to the dumpster.

when i got up to go to work, i found a little kitty fecal treat on top of the tied trash can. somehow one of the kitties jumped into the... can... and took a dump atop the old litter sitting in the bag.

either his sense of smell was particularly acute this morning or he was sending a message to J about taking out the trash in a more timely manner. he must have been wondering why his moms bought a new round litter box that was really tall and hard to poo in.

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