Tuesday, June 13, 2006

here's the carrot, again

ok, my boss countered AGAIN. with a HUGE increase. i sort of think that if i wait a few more days, i'll be offered six figures.

i am torn and i don't understand why... i can't say where my heart is at all. it's nowhere. the money? it's significant. the long-term happiness at either position? unclear.

pro/con list:

pros to staying in real estate - $$$, a whole new field that i actually enjoy, challenges, working under an amazing guy
cons to staying in real estate - not using my MPH, potential to be burned by sales

pros to taking MPH job - using my degree, networking nationwide, returning to my non-profit roots
cons to taking MPH job - living poor again, not feeling 100% sure about myself in this position

i have tonight. i have limited time to un-do my acceptance and sign a contract for a year in real estate.

i have a tummy ache.

1 comment:

olecranon process said...

i hate hard, break-your-heart choices!
why god why! why do you make us choose!

im not going to say it. im not going to sa follow your heart.

follow your heart!