Thursday, October 20, 2005

Why can't I get a kitty?

Lady and I have been talking about starting a family. Upon hearing this, my sister freaked out and thought I was going to adopt a baby. Well.... sort of. A feline baby, that is. Or 2.

I found 2 gorgeous kittens online, rescued from New Orleans in the post-Katrina rescue that is probably still going on. I called my landlady, got her permission, then called about the kitties. They were already gone. Damn! Lady had already found a kitty online that we thought was cute, and she's gone too. And that adorable little feral cat who runs from the bar to the post office keeps avoiding capture by your's truly. Is this all some sort of message that we shouldn't get a lil' furball?

Hells no. We're thinking about being a foster family for kitties and then adopting them. Turns out agencies can't adopt out kittens until they are fixed, but in the meantime, they need to place the kittens as they grow large enough for the surgery to be done. Saturday, we get to meet and *hopefully* take home kitties!!! Yay! I already bought kitty treats. I figure that can't curse my luck anymore than giving baby gifts to an expecting mom can curse her luck.

Isn't that a nice way to think about it? Oh! I should throw myself a Kitty Shower! Free presents!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

um,all i have to say about this whole blogger thing is that i think my sister thinks she is CARRIE!!!(you're very stylish,have-oops-HAD very cute, expensive shoes, and everyone loves you!!!-oh,yeah-most important:you are now writing a column.)