Saturday, October 01, 2005

the luckiest refugees

tonight, we were treated to a shopping trip at target and dinner by two strangers. well, they are strangers no more. when we were living in the dorms, we met a student (E) who told our story to her aunt/godmother and said aunt's partner. these two were so moved by our story that they asked E for our contact information. they called and we scheduled a date for tonight. we were told to "make a shopping wish list and be ready at 5pm to be picked up."

how do you make a wishlist when strangers are taking you shopping? it feels so greedy.

they took us to target and bought us all that we need for our kitchen. i mean ALL that we need. pots and pans, knives, glasses, spatula, salt'n'pepper shaker, a toaster - the list goes on and on. then, they took us out for a dinner that beat the hell out of the dining hall food. we were told "whatever you want, you order. anything. ok?" i had a delicious portobello mushroom entree, my lady had some chicken entree, the roomie got salmon. we had salads to start and dessert to finish. and though they all mocked my bread pudding choice for dessert, almost everyone tried it and liked it! heh. i showed them!

i just cannot get over the amazing evening we just had! my tummy is full (and it isn't full of gas-inducing dining hall food) and my kitchen is stocked. who are these people and why did they choose us? i mean, other people displaced from new orleans are still living in shelters and we three are eating at fine dining establishments. we are so lucky.

so very lucky indeed.

1 comment:

Courts! said...

what an amazing post! I loved the previous one too. I have yet to read more, but thank you for getting your story out there. Watching the horror of Katrina from the sidelines (I'm in NYC) was heart-wrenching in and of itself, but your blog has me in tears. Thank you for spreading the gratitude too... it does not go unnoticed.