Wednesday, December 12, 2007

getting hit on by a "member of the band" blah blah

at the swankiest, coolest, most perfect hotel ever - the colcord in oklahoma city. ice storm shut down this state earlier in the week, and this hotel is full (so said the two girls at the front desk, checking me in last night). they also couldn't help themselves when they said "there's a rock band staying here too!" it took a single raised eyebrow to get it out of them - kid rock! ha! i don't even like him but still! cool!

"and he's downstairs in the bar, you should come with us, we'll be there in 10!"

i did. and i got a beer, a grilled cheese, and a very attentive musician - not kid rock - hanging all over me. kid was sitting about 5 feet away from me, not really paying attention to anyone. and musician man was thinking he would get somewhere, anywhere, with me. which he wouldn't, of course. not only is he a man, he's a studio musician who lives in detroit and is, a-hem, 55. that's 4 counts against you, buddy. not interestingly, he disappeared (i almost wrote disapparated, harry potter much?) within 15 seconds of my telling him, in a conspiring tone, that i'm gay. poof. gone. done.

he had already given me his card and told me he'd put me on the list for the show if i called him. i thought about it but i bailed. no need to put up with that nonsense again, or to send mixed messages, or to use someone just to get into a free show to see someone i don't really like.

makes for a most entertaining story though. finally, all this travel leads to an interesting night!

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