Monday, December 03, 2007

back from the stomach bug

last wednesday, i made a huge mistake in eating at chipotle after going to the 8pm yoga class. around 3am, i awoke with an intense tummy ache. i thought it was because i ate some quacamole (i have an avocado allergy but it tastes!so!good!) and i figured i was paying my dues for sampling. an hour later (an hour of moaning and scaring the cats), all that i ate came roaring back up - undigested. from 4am thursday morning until 8pm thursday night, i was throwing and going. ugh. lovely imagery but screw this, it's my blog! i begged J to stay home with me from work - she obliged - and i was a miserable patient i am sure. sick sick sick. like i haven't been since elementary school.

not sure if the culprit truly is chipotle or a virus - though i had no other symptoms (no fever until friday morning when the scale revealed that i also lost 5lbs, no aches, no pains aside from the knives in my gut, no sweats or chills) it matters not. the mere thought of that cheap vegetarian friendly burrito joint brings the taste of bile to the back of my throat. damn IT!

5 days later and i am back on the road. in dallas now - at my favorite hotel! they upgraded me to their swankiest suite - i have a balcony and a full kitchen and a soaking tub - but unfortunately i am only staying one night. i am still under the weather a bit and go from feeling nauseous to feeling hungry and back again. i ate my first full meal last night and then today it's been touch and go. just had dinner and though my hunger won at the table, i feel too full for my own good. i have to work but in an hour, i am going to use that soaking tub. this is the good life... or it can be... wait until i report from texarkana and see what swank i'm experiencing.

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