Monday, November 26, 2007

yoga update

Yoga update, as promised. Oh my goodness! Shame on me for poking fun at yogis for all these years. It is hard! It is grounding. It is the best!

My neighbor Mary invited me and J to attend class with her a few Sunday mornings ago. We decided to pay for one month unlimited, and those of you who know me know that I absolutely needed to use up the free month in excess of what it would have cost to attend so many classes in a month. Right now, I’ve brought it down to about $8 a class (normal charge for a drop in is $20).

There have been a few instructors that I haven’t liked that much but even so, each and every class been a work out like nothing I expected. My arms are killing me today, and other days it’s been my hamstrings (one teacher talked about making our hamstrings “juicy” which made me a bit nauseas) but I got through it. I don’t really love the meditation part but I find it useful in grounding me. And I can’t stand the exercise of squeezing out every last fraction of a breath of air before inhaling because that makes me feel panicky. All the complaining aside, I love yoga! Love! It!

In between yoga classes and flights around our large country, J and I went to see Tegan and Sara. I can’t say enough about these two! Their music is fantastic – fresh, interesting, catchy. Ok, so the critic that is my brother probably won’t love them, but then again, maybe he will. I can’t predict his taste in music anymore. And if he does take my advice and listens to them, mark my words, in two years he’ll be trying to introduce them to me (as he did with The Glands).

I am en route to St. Louis for work and I get to squeeze in dinner with Sarah G! It’s the best when work coincides with friends. If only I didn’t have to fly back tomorrow.

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