Tuesday, October 30, 2007

in search of good pizza

greetings from dallas! if ever you find yourself here, i highly recommend staying at hotel lumen and eating at a small italian joint called olivella's. i had the best pizza since my last visit to pino's in boston. DC pizza sucks (as a rule) and i dream of opening a pino's II one day.

good news - the giant hole in my leg was all for nothing as my mole is benign. that's great and all, but i did THROW UP for this. what am i saying? it's not like i'd be happier if it was bad news bears. if i toss my lunch based on a little mole removal, imagine me going through chemo. how did my dad do it? ugh.

packing for this trip, i didn't have a new book to take with me, so i pulled the tao of pooh out of the bookshelf and started to read it again. i'm not sure if it's going to help me much, but it's nice to revisit. maybe the book will chill me out a bit.

boss sent me an email tonight asking for time to chat before friday and then said "don't worry, you are absolutely not in trouble" which sort of makes me think i am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Lori Girl
Hello from the girl from Oz who came to visit in New Orleans two weeks before the cyclone hit. I was just popping by your blog and i'm so pleased you're blogging again. Katia and Todd are traveling asia v.jealous! glad to hear all is well with J and your kitties. Love Greta