Tuesday, May 22, 2007

travelin' girl

new job at company z means lots of travel. thus far, i've been to tennessee, central PA, chicago and rhode island. every week i am going to be on a plane for at least 2 trips. i am starting to have mixed feelings - excited to travel because it gets me out of the office yet dreading the constant eating out/running around/packing and unpacking.

right now i need to prove myself at work. i need to succeed. they test often - "let's role play!" and that drives me a little crazy. i prefer to just hit the road and do my job. i don't like pretending. i am too impatient.

what else..... we are growing a few herbs outside in a pot. the other day, it was forecast to be cold overnight,so we brought the herb garden inside. lucas decided to help us out with the chives and mowed them for us. lucas the cat with chive breath.

1 comment:

KMP said...

I am back in the USA as of Saturday! I will be in DC on Tues and will ring ya then. Ciao baby:)