Monday, June 04, 2007

all things green

not only does lucas love chives, he also loves broccoli rabe, arugula, and lettuce. he doesn't like swiss chard. the experiment continues. perhaps i should find out if any of these greens are good for him..... iamabadmom! damn!

i am going to (one day) put pictures up. *promise*

we saw baby lucas again this weekend (j's cousin's baby) and he is cutest! but the jury is out on whether i can do the real mommyhood thing. the cats are enough work, and require enough attention, for me and j. if we babysit a lot and enjoy it and save a ton of cash, maybe we can consider it in a few.... i want to say years, but then i will be too damn old. maybe in a year. who knows.

right now my job is my focus, that and planning a vacation. i miss the beach!

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