Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Nose Faucet

AARRGH! I hate having a cold! I hate the first few days like nothing else! Drip drip drip. I am sore and cranky and weak. My last day at my job is tomorrow and I want to call out sick. But that will be total scumbag of me (though the truth). I will, however, go in quite late and leave quite early. I think I'll take myself out for a congratulatory hot toddy in the bar downstairs. J is going to Bal'mor for a conference. Oh well. No one likes to hang out with a drippy nose companion.

Ah, the wonders of Nyquil... starting to work magic sleep tricks on me.. must sign off... zzzzzzz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Missed you in Bal'more. It was fun. -J