Sunday, May 21, 2006

owning a saw

my girlfriend bought herself a saw today. she is currently sawing a piece of wood into.. a smaller piece of wood. she considers this to be fun. the cats report mixed reviews. one of them is hiding, the other is hanging out in his kitty tent playing as though nothing out of the usual is going on.

calgon, take me away!

there's nothing that makes J happier than a trip to homo depot. there's nothing that makes me dizzier. well, fine, spinning around in circles with my arms outstretched and my head to the sky makes me dizzier. it's just that home depot has such high ceilings with crazy forklifts driving around and beeping that damned reverse beeping sound. i never know where it's coming from or if my safety is in jeopardy. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

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