Monday, May 08, 2006

14 days left

to my habit. yay! i've managed to exercise about 5 days of the week, i think. and i'm not talking about exercising my liver either. i am such a lightweight, 2 hard drinks and i am done for the night. saturday we went to apex, and it was fun and whatever except for the $8 cover. wha? ridiculous. the music was good at first and then became terrible and so we left. but i finally found where all the cutest girls ever go! ahhhhhh. dyke-a-rama. yum.

the car died today. it was a pathetic and disturbing sound. J thinks it's the battery (i quote "simple solutions first" and what she meant was "don't get so upset about needing a new alternator if it's just the damn battery." she's right.)

at least i did pilates before i went to work. exercise does lift the spirits. but the rain compounded by the fact that it's monday morning and i was already running late certainly made the dead car situation feel the crappiest. argh.

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