Tuesday, May 09, 2006

the not-so invisible car payment

argh argh argh! now i need a starter. car won't start without it. all said, by the end of the year, i will have spent more on my 99 jetta than i would have spent on a freakin' car payment.

the mechanic quoted me 224$ for the part. a little research proved that autozone will only charge 140$ AND i get 70$ of that back when i bring them my old broken starter. the mechanic wasn't too pleased with me but will put it in... but won't guarantee their work. at 115$ labor, if they don't do it right or if it "breaks" i'll be taking it to a new mechanic anyhow. but isn't that seemingly illegal? F them. F car ownership. thank goodness my GF's mom's BF is a mechanic. and if you can follow that, you are having a smart day. heh.

so J is off to landover, maryland to pick up the part. and i am sitting in the office coordinating all of it. puppet master.

1 comment:

KMP said...

He he, you are the Puppet Master. Hey we have something in common! Mine is picking up poop in the backyard...how is that for Master work? Thanks for the e-mail, I will let you know how it turns out. I miss you so much and I wish we were closer:(