Friday, February 09, 2007


i really cannot function without sleep. i feel like a crazy moody lady today. last night i fell asleep ok, but at 4.30am, i woke up with a start. i read for about 1/2 hour but that distruption was long enough to make me nutso today. reading The Historian right now, well written and more than a bit creepy which isn't the best insomnia remedy but it was either the book or the Crate and Barrel catalouge, and then i would start buying things online....

the P.H. job called me again today. they are trying to coordinate schedules so i can come in for the second interview. it may be next week. ARGH! i will NEED to be ON. i will need to be better than good. i gotta wow them, because i need to get out of my current job. i never have a day off. ever. and it's stressing me out like nothing else i've ever experienced. plus, the joy of the weekend is lost when your weekend is during the week. yeah, it's nice to go to trader joe's on thursday afternoon instead of saturday (what with the crowds) but i spend my "weekends" alone. when i am taking appointments on sunday and my customers say "oh, we just had the best brunch!" it makes me angry jealous.

in other stress-related news, i need new running sneakers. i spent 25 minutes on the elliptical yesterday, and by minute 17 my feet were tingling. ouch. i think getting back into a good workout routine will work wonders.

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