Wednesday, December 07, 2005

people suck.

i am tired. i put so much energy into this report, and what do my (previously called) friends say? NOTHING. silence. well, nothing to my face.

i get a phone call from a "friend" who reports that 2 "friends" are upset with me. pissed. i wonder if the reporting "friend" stood up for me. riiiiight. no way. another friend wrote an email, asking us all for $ to give to the facutly and staff who lost their homes, because she wants to do something "positive, for a change." yet a third friend wrote my lady and said the report was biased and we need to stop attacking the poor tired staff and that the report was not in the right spirit.

that makes 5 "friends" - spineless gossip lovin' girl, angry at the world girl, immature and foolish girl, a republican pothead girl, and even someone i can't think of a single bad adjective about - all coming out against my efforts to create a space for students to have a voice.

fuck them all.

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