Wednesday, December 07, 2005

cheesy "i feel like this song" moment

especially this verse:

i teeter between tired
and really, really tired
i'm wiped and i'm wired but i guess its just as well
because i built my own empire
out of car tires and chicken wire
and i'm queen of my own compost heap
and i'm getting used to the smell
and i've got a lack of information
but i got a little revelation
and i'm climbing up on the railing
trying not to look down
i'm going to do my best swan dive
into shark-infested waters
i'm gonna pull out my tampon
and start splashing around

oh ani difranco, if only you didn't go all weird on us by adding a horn section to your acoustic guitar and marrying a man named goat.

1 comment:

JM said...

Funny thing. I was just going to post a lyric similar in spirit, minus the tampon reference, on my own blog.