Tuesday, October 03, 2006


hey, back again after another month off... oopsie. i don't really bring my mac with me to work anymore as i have a (piece of #@!!#@@ hp) 'puder at my desk.. and once i get home, the last thing i want to look at is a screen with tiny words on it. but hey, i have a crackberry, so you can just email me directly when you want an update and i *promise* i will respond quickly.

today i was faced with immoral, unethical and downright nasty practices here in the real estate business. i find it so frustrating, but there is nothing i can do but suck it up for the sale. a woman, licensed in another state, brought her daughter in. daughter purchased. there was a whole conversation about how mom isn't able to get commission b/c she isn't licensed here, yadda yadda, no biggie. the next day, mom calls all upset, telling me her broker (she's a part time agent) wants his name on the contract, they deserve the commission, etc. the law states that as a buyer's respresentative, you have to be the "procuring cause" of a sale. you know, YOU inform them of the property, you bring them to the property, you attend the first meeting, you do all the work, etc. the daughter found out about the property because of an email blast we sent out, the mom's broker never had anything to do with it, it's all BS. but "save the sale" and write them in.

makes me nutso. it's so wrong. not that i am trying to save the big corporation's dollar or anything. i could care less about that. but it's the practice of this other broker, the demands, the game just to get paid on something they don't deserve that makes me infuriated.

plus i am in real estate school now, so i am TOTALLY holier than thou when it comes to the letter of the law. well, as holy as an athiest can be.

in other news, it's nice being a homeowner, the gatos are really happy with the new place (i can tell!) and my big birthday is coming up. not that it's a big birthday per normal standards, but every birthday is a big one to me! wooooohoooooo!

1 comment:

JM said...

"Well, no one expects you to sell that house. But you'd better sell something, because cubicles are for closers, Marge. Anybody that doesn't sell a house their first week gets fired. I probably should have mentioned that earlier." -- Lionel Hutz