Sunday, July 16, 2006

use a damn toothpick

went for a bike ride today. 5 short miles, ALL HILLS. that's the thing about living at the highest point in a city - to go anywhere, you go downhill. to get home, you have to go up those same damn hills that were so much fun to fly down. i am in pain. J is in pain. we made pizza tonight, and after bending down to check on it as it bubbled up in the oven, i was stuck. j had to come pull me out of my crouching position. if 31 is this bad, 32 isn't looking too promising.

i love making pizza at home, but i think next time i'll make the dough too. trader joe's has decent, cheap dough ($0.79) but it wasn't quite good enough. plus i love to do everything from scratch. i even made the sauce! yum yum!

our tomato paste had some, uh, penicillin qualities to it, so j and i ran over to whole paycheck to pick some up... and have our appetizer of cheese and cakes and whatever they have on sample. j was trying to get a toothpick to get (yet another) cheese sample, and some pushy DC preppy ignorant chick walks up and reaches in WITH HER HAND!!! i say to her "there's a reason you should use a toothpick, that's nasty" and she giggles and walks away. i continue with "i don't want your disgusting germs on my food you stupid bitch." she didn't hear that last part and j reprimanded me, but i was so so so crazy mad! i mean, j was obviously trying to get a toothpick out because that's what you are supposed to do. and that she not only stuck her nasty fingers in there, but she cut in line! i wanted to kick her in the shin!

and that's when i realized that i needed a nap.


KMP said...

Ewwwwwww! As a Type-A, OCD Hypochondriac I would have vomited right then and there. It makes me GAG (like a real gag reflex) when people use their hands, especially when they are walking around pushing nasty germ infested carts or carrying greasy hand baskets. Todd gives me shit cause I pull my shirt sleeves down over my hands so I don't have to touch. So I say "no toothpick, no sample!" Erg, now I need a shower...I feel "germy".

JM said...

The way I look at it is that by picking up these germs you are, in effect, strengthening your immune system by introducing your body to these critters, right? "Hello, body? This is stryptococcus (sp?), now go beat the shit out of it and remember how you did it next time you come across each other."

To this end, I frequently lick public telephone receivers and inhale deeply in public restrooms. I also eat undercooked meats (except chicken) and as many raw oysters as I can.

Anonymous said...

I too, am unpleasant when lacking sleep.
Way to vocalize your disgust. In all honesty I probably would have silently screamed and just walked away.
Actually I lie. I am a dirty girl and germs don't bother me in the least.

BUT - I still use a toothpick!!!!