Wednesday, January 04, 2006

bad habits

i wake up at 10am, go to bed at 1am, spend way too much time in my jammies and barely job hunt. what am i doing? why am i wasting so much time? it's damn near impossible to do anything here. plus my lady is still visiting, and i reckon she doesn't want to watch me job hunt, thrilling though it sounds.

we are going to NYC tomorrow, taking the ever-unreliable chinatown express for $15 each way. i am going to miss the baby kitties! i can't stand being away from them for too long. of course, after this morning, i could use a break. lucas was doing the cha-cha on me from 7.30am until i gave in and got up at 10am. my lady just snores through it. she's fast asleep still. if ever we reach parenthood status, i think i am going to be the one getting up for the midnight feedings and the nightmares and the morning routine before school... ok, that's not completely fair. when we spent the night at my friend jude's, her 8 month old woke up crying and J was the one to get up and try to locate the binky. she couldn't find it, but she tried. the dad got up and took care of it instead. oh my, that was one rough night of sleep. babies make lots of noise. way worse than kitties. at least we can feed the kitties and kick them out of the room. child protective services would be banging on our door if we tried the same approach with little humans.

i have got to get moving on the job hunt. i have GOT to find something. part of me thinks i should just move to DC and take some crap retail job as i look for real employment. i do miss crate and barrel... and i was trained in tying a tiffany's bow. yeah, got my MPH so i can sell jewelry. it was really hard for me to go from C&B to tiffany's for my 2nd job. i kept telling customers that the open heart necklace was stainless steel instead of sterling silver. just to break the stereotype that people who shop at T's are rich, i must say that most of my customers didn't blink an eye when i said that. most of my customers were 16 year old pimply boys trying to impress their 16 year old pimply girlfriends by spending $120 on a necklace. the ads are right - it IS all about getting that little blue-green box with that perfectly tied white bow. it even works on me.

maybe that's what i'll do. i can just move. i'm not getting very far in the comfort of living off ma & dad. plus, that 30% discount at C&B is excellent!


KMP said...

Yes, come to DC! I will put you to work.

JM said...

Just remember to bring your own fire extinguisher

olecranon process said...

i want to learn to tie a tiffany's bow. come back to the bay area and stay with us while you look for a job! I am currently doing the same far i have applied to one. =/