Tuesday, November 29, 2005

things are looking up and then, "gunk"

there goes the old transmission. GUNK and a rubber smell and oily leakage and HOLY SHIT THIS DUDE QUOTED ME 2K.

can i reapply for FEMA?

everything feels unbelievably hard here. school, using my brain, job hunting, planning a move back east, my car....

effin' A. sucks sucks sucks. shitty thing? my transmission is (according to new mechanic) supposed to have a serial # on it, but it's been scratched off. eh? what does that mean?

2005. the year that was a pain in my ass.


JM said...

But look! Free wireless Internet access in the French Quarter!


olecranon process said...

It's almost over.

And hey, 2005 is the year you got to meet meeeeeee.

Paltry consolation, I know.