Tuesday, August 08, 2006


OMG, i have gained weight. for real. everything feels a *little* bit snug. and visiting the family this past weekend confirmed it. they hold nothing back. so today i bid a sad goodbye to second dinner. now i can only have first dinner. so sad. food tastes so yummy.

we went to provincetown, showed J the atlantic - well, she claims she's been in it before, but come on, that was when she was 4 years old. that totally doesn't count. had a lovely time, my bro came with us which was wicked cool. and my sister rented a honda pilot. unfortunately, me and my girl got stuck in the "way back" due to our shorter legs. to think that we used to fight over the way back as children. that vechicle is more truck than SUV. and yes, they are evil and waste gas, but i think one SUV with 7 of us in it uses less gas than 2 cars, right?

los gatos were alone all weekend, save for C and L feeding them. i fully expected gato attitude last night, but instead they were snuggleheads! soooo cute. i almost forgot what it was like to sleep with 2 cats pushing against my legs. needless to say, it's easier to sleep without them.

but i love them! love them!

1 comment:

KMP said...

Girl you make me laugh:)