Sunday, April 30, 2006

21 days to a habit

or so they say. 21 days to make, or break, a habit. i am trying to make one - i have to get back into my running clothes and go out for longer than 20 minutes once a week. for shame! to think i once called myself a runner. to be honest, i was only ever a jogger. i aspire (to return) to jogger status.

gorgeous day here in the district. i went to a lovely surprise 30th bday party for my friend's fiance, then went to work for 2 hours to work on a party my friend susan and i are planning. ok, she's planning. i am just offering advice now, and then i get the fun fun task of handing out palm cards at all of the local gay girl events. any excuse to go out! it's pretty cool, we are going to have it at halo, an uber-swanky upscale gay boy establishment. J created the name: angels at halo. sooooo cute! if i knew how to make links (like all of my bloggin' friends know), i'd give you a link to the club. but alas, i must force you to copy and paste it yourself: and yes, joe, i'd appreciate the tutorial. RTFM, right? well the manual is too hard to read while i am posting. so there.

cookies in the oven for my siiiiister's bday! tomorrow i think i am going to attempt white cupcakes for sandra's bday but i need to figure out the best way to ship cupcakes. plus i don't yet have a kitchenaid mixer (ARE YOU LISTENING JESSICA?) so it's going to be hard to get those egg whites *just so* for white cupcakes.

lucas and emmett are cuddling and sleeping together, right next to me. although the vet said not to worry about it, lucas snores. i mean loud, homer simpson snores. it wakes me up some nights. that's not right for a 9.7lb kitty. being the nervous mom i am, i wake him up when he snores, which cuts into his precious sleep and what will the long term affects be? oh my, em is having a dream. his whiskies are twitching like crazy, and his nose! i love my baby kitties. aw.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

my HIPS, my hips my hips my hips

Has it been longer than a week since I last blogged? My goodness, time flies. My girl will be here in days!!! Our life together will be, well, together. Yay!

Work is kicking my arse. I love it, though I can see how bored I will be soon enough if my duties remain as they are. Right now, I am learning, I am "getting my feet wet" or "learning the ropes" as it were. My boss loves me, the clients love me, I am far more of a people-person than I realized. (than the most recent blog hints at)

Today, I received an email inviting me to apply for a position at HIPS, an agency that does outreach to sex workers in DC. One of the women who sat on a hiring panel of a job I was not offered apparently forwarded my resume and email to the Execitive Director of HIPS. She wrote me today asking me to look at the job description and apply, and if I am not interested, would I consider volunteering? Yowza!

Salary: low 30s. WHO CAN LIVE ON THAT WITH 65k LOANS DUE SALLIE FRICKIN' MAE? Perhaps I will see about volunteering. I like the job idea, I like the thought of using my degree.. I like being able to buy nice clothes and pay down my loans and travel and have all that money brings. What do I do? Go for the job that provides money but has nothing to do with my entire career? Cut the shit and run towards the job that will make me feel as though I am doing some good in the world? I mean, this was my DREAM JOB when I was in school - working with sex workers, doing the gritty hard work that I was born to do. But basic survival on the salary (plus a schedule of two 10pm-5am outreach shifts/week) will be hard. But the honor of being invitied to apply is pretty cool too.

Argh, but I cannot even manage to workout with my so-called easy and brainless job! Speaking of my hips indeed. You know, your ass literally spreads from sitting on it for too long. There won't be much sitting while working in the sex work industry, providing condoms and health information to the folks providing services for clients. It would be so wonderful and groovy and perfect in so many ways.

Still, I hesitate.

Monday, April 17, 2006

working 9 (30) to 5

i actually like my job! i like being in the real estate world. i am learning so much every single hour and i love that there is room to grow. i don't know if going the sales agent route is my thing yet, though. i am just enjoying the office managment stuff, and the drama. OH, the drama.

lately, the xmas debacle has been upsetting me again. case scenario: J and i raised $200 by selling our things in CA, and we were planning on giving that to a family in nola that i know lost everything. during xmas day, there were 9 people at my mom's house (and 3 cats). the money was in a white envelope in the back room, which was also the room with a ridiculous amount of candy. everyone went back there, alone, to get candy. some people made multiple trips. the day after xmas, the white envelope and the $$$ were both gone. i asked everyone, and the 2 people i couldn't ask, i had my brother ask (his gf and her 14 year old daughter). NO ONE CONFESSED. the cats didn't take it. someone did. was it my friend from college? my brother's partner? the kid? it wasn't me, it wasn't my gf, it wasn't my mom or dad or sister - i know that. but someone took it, someone close to my family, close enough to be there for xmas. someone that close to me stole money from me.

J says i have to let it go, that it's gone and it's not coming back. but so is my sense of safety, and that's bullshit. can i trust any of the 9 to be in my house? do i have to lock up my things now?


Saturday, April 08, 2006

My siiiiiister is here!!

Jill is visiting and the weather could not be worse.. nor could the car situation. Ugh. Yesterday, we were driving home after picking up groceries and Greta the Jetta made an alarming warning light blink - the oil pressure warning light. Fortunately, we were 1/2 mile from home. I kept on driving and parked it, feeling that old aggravated and frustrated feeling I get when my car misbehaves. I have spent a ton of cash on it over the past 5 months and I don't want another huge "invisible car payment." I want a new car, one that comes with a warranty and a transmission that has a serial # on it still.

This morning, I checked the oil level and it looked fine, but my astute sister noticed that we were on a slight incline. I moved the car to level ground, let it warm up and then cool for a few minutes, and wouldn't you know, the oil was a little low indeed. The light wasn't on anymore but the good old trusty check engine light was on (again). My remedy? Black electrical tape. Hells yeah.

We still got the oil changed and hit the local Verizon store. That's right, I am free of my Sprint contract and I am switching teams! Now I can talk to all y'all In Network people whenever I want. Well, once I get the phone. I want the Razr but I want it in PINK and I am going to wait until Thursday. I will wait for pink. I won't wait for much, but pink? Oh yes.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Two Words: Jodie Foster

OMG. I am not one to go for the femmes, but holy crap, if you see Inside Man you'll understand why a girl like me could fall for a lady like her. Jodie ahhhhhhhhh Foster. Those legs. Those heels. That Alpha-Femme role she plays. It's a whole new world. I have a fantasy crush on a femme. Holy crap indeed.

In other news, life as a receptionist is rather, how do you say, boring. But but BUT!!! One of the 2 guys running the project is leaving for another project and it appears that there will be a little fight over who gets to keep moi. Oh yes. The guy staying behind pulled me in for a little meeting (during which he did most of the talking, even though he claimed the purpose was to get to know me and my plan better... hrm). Apparently he says I have 'the look' and he wants to know if he should waste his time grooming me for a more powerful position, if I'll be back to public health land in a month. Then he proceeded to tell me all about the riches in store and I must be honest, it holds appeal. Mucho appeal. Like I can't turn it down appeal. Um, mom? I am working for The Man. But he's gay and really stylish, so it's not that bad, is it?

I am not a believer in destiny or fate, mostly because it doesn't explain why a little girl would be raped by her father - WTF, that's her fate? I think not. However, I am becoming a fan of living in the moment and letting the current moment lead me to the next moment. Plus, when I checked my email today, there was a message from someone who ALREADY SENT ME A REJECTION LETTER. I don't need to be told twice that I am not hired. I got it the first time, thank you very much.

Goodbye unemployment. Hello Real Estate.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

My Favorite Day of the Year

How I love Daylight Savings Time! It's close to 7pm, but the sun still shines! What joy! What happiness! I don't care why we have it, I just hope no one tries to get rid of it. My mother hates it. How can you dislike something that gives us sun long into the evening?

I think I would have liked today even better if it didn't start off with so few hours of sleep. Thanks to my lady, I made it to my *new* job today on time. I was out at the clubs (or, as my older friend says, "the dance") and I was shocked to see the clock closing in on one in the morning when I checked the time. By the time I got home and washed up for bed, it was closer to two. I called my girl and we chatted for a little while, and suddenly she reminded me to set my clock ahead an hour.... SHIT! That made it almost 3am when I went to bed, and I had to be at work at 10.30am.

At least it is a simple receptionist job that requires me to look pretty and make coffee. I can do that. Even hungover on 6 hours of sleep, I can do that. It's a good thing I got my MPH. I should get my MBA or my MD.. then maybe I can be an Executive Assistant.